Regular Hours start March 11th: Tuesday- Saturday, 11am - 6pm

Our mission is to empower people on bicycles and the underserved communities of Lane County. Our programs provide access, education, and outreach to build a stronger cycling community and sustainable future.
We are committed to removing barriers in cycling. Our dedicated team of volunteers, employees, and community partners help us connect people with bicycles.
Why Buy A Bike From Shift?
Shift is your Cycling Resource Center! More people on bikes is our overall goal. Our bikes are finely-tuned commuter machines meant to get you where you’re going. All proceeds support our community programs and services designed to provide access to the marginalized peoples of our community. Our bicycles are sourced from community donations and put through an comprehensive refurbishment process, keeping quality bikes out of the landfill.
Why donate?
Your donations are what keep Shift Community Cycles alive and running. With your help, we are able to better serve those in need. Donations come in a variety of shapes and sizes but the easiest ways to support Shift is through Time, Money, or Materials. By volunteering, donating used parts and bikes, and giving to our program funds, you empower really change in your community.
Interested in becoming a member?
Memberships help fund our shop and programs like our free community stands. Become a member and use our space to keep your ride running smoothly.