Workshops and Classes

As a community shop we strive to be a hub for mechanical education. Shift is happy to host free classes and workshops on a myriad of topics for every level of mechanical interests from beginner to expert. Instructing community members with the ability and know-how to perform maintenance on their own bikes provides them with confidence and agency as cyclists. Our list of workshops is every expanding, check out what’s happening at Shift CC on our Event Page

Recurrent Workshops

  • Join us for our newest community offering! Cycle School is Eugene’s Cycling Resource Center. This series celebrates the variety of disciplines that cycling incorporates while promoting safe and informed cycling practice.

  • Shift hosts a monthly beginners maintenance class led by queer and femme community members. Basic Bike Maintenance takes place every second Wednesday of the month and aims to provide a foundation for those who are just beginning their mechanics journey.

  • Build a bike while learning the basics! We’ll be hosting a 3-Day series walking students through the basics of putting a bike together from scratch while covering the skills needed to maintain it and keep it rolling. No experience needed, this class is designed to start from the very basics. Classes are limited to10 people. The cost is $60 per person. Scholarships available. Email with an questions and to apply for a scholarship. To purchase tickets, click here!